MindRelation™ Courses

MindRelation for Teenagers

Help your Teenage son or daughter to Feel good about themselves

Weekly online Course

Help your Teenager to feel included and less anxious around peers

What are they thinking about me? I don’t want to be seen as a drama queen. If I say that what will they think? Why am I feeling so lonely and

always like, standing outside the group?

All these thoughts, and many more, can make your teenagers feel anxious and uncertain and even give them a sense of feeling overwhelmed.

All uncomfortable feelings that can drain them of energy and leave them feel empty and sad.

The feelings they are experiencing are completely normal, and although they might have a feeling of being all wrong, it is important for you to know, that they are simply reacting to different situations and other people's behavior, all completely normal.

It can be hard for them to see their own good sides and the skills they have, when difficult feelings and reactions seem to take over. This course can help them realise what these good sides are and help them to feel good about what and who they are as a person and start feeling better when they are around other people.

With some help, they can instead enjoy their friends and peers in school, at their sport or whenever they’re just hanging out in a group. They just need some tools to understand how their minds are working and why they behave as they do, which can help them to be less fearful of unwanted and negative thoughts and feelings.

It may be hard to spot, but the teenager brain is fantastic and it has the ability to help your teenager to be creative, fun and accomplish great things -

it just needs a little help along the way.

By following this 3-week Mindrelation Course, they can find a way to start feeling good about themselves and start enjoying being around others without getting that feeling of being wrong. They can feel less lonely and feel part of something bigger with the people around them, be it in school, at home, at their sport or wherever they might be.

They can start feeling excited and experience life as something they look forward to, rather than being apprehensive off it,

and it can help them to feel comfortable while they get to know themselves better.

The "Feel Good about Yourself" Course starts on

Sunday 23rd June 2024 at 5.00 pm CET

There will be limited spaces as I will be participating live and I will create the course to suit the participants.

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© MindRelation 2023 | Company reg.: 737110 | Privacy policy